to the
Mini Introduction
What is Nutrivolution

It’s a life-changing learning platform towards a healthy lifestyle through whole-food plant-based diet, herbs & flowers, physical activity & exercise and stress management.
Here we learn about the health benefits of food, understanding why our body is craving for it, how we should prepare it in a healthy and fun way, and help our body quickly receive its nourishment.
We learn how to manage our stress using food and natural remedies, with the aid of some essential physical exercise.
Stay tuned with my upcoming articles on health, food, exercise, stress management and recipes.
Naturally Dietstyle
This book shares the knowledge on the essence of everlasting health and happiness
Our Programs for You
These programs are tuned to the needs of the health revolutionists

Individual Program
Personal nutrition coaching, for awareness and health

Industrial Program
Nutrition coaching for Companies, support in product development

Public Program
Nutrition workshops and seminars for the general public
Let's Cook A Meal Corner
Various food & beverage recipes will be shared here
Shared thoughts of friends from all parts of the globe